How to Move or Copy a File With a Progress Bar in Python

File Operations in Python

Python makes it easy to move or copy files using built-in libraries like shutil. Adding a progress bar improves user experience and visibility.

Key Libraries for the Task

1. shutil: For moving or copying files. 2. tqdm: To create a progress bar for operations. 3. os: For file path operations.

Setting Up the Progress Bar

– Install tqdm: pip install tqdm – Import libraries import shutil   from tqdm import tqdm

Copying a File With Progress Bar

Use tqdm to track the copy process: with tqdm(total=source_size) as progress:       shutil.copyfileobj(src, dest, callback=lambda x: progress.update(len(x)))

Moving a File With Progress Bar

– Copy the file with a progress bar. – Remove the original file using os.remove().

Best Practices for Large Files

– Always check disk space before operations. – Handle exceptions for file access and path errors.

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