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Published: Sunday 12th January 2025

python interview questions

Python is a powerful yet relatively simple tool popular among developers, especially beginners. Statista says this programming language ranked 3rd in popularity in 2024, behind only JavaScript and HTML/CSS.

If you don't have experience in this field but want to start your journey, please thoroughly prepare for the job interview. We must admit that the process can sometimes be as exciting as nerve-wracking. But be sure, with the right approach, you'll succeed. Let's explore 15 common Python developer interview questions.

Why Prepare for Beginner-Level Python Interview Questions?

Why is this so important? Can't you show up for an interview and get an offer? The company must be sure that it hires a specialist who can cope with the tasks at hand. Learning typical discussion topics and a thorough preparation help you achieve these goals:

  • Demonstrate your knowledge and expertise.
  • Approach the interview with clarity and composure.
  • Showcase your ability to solve real-world issues.
  • Show commitment to the role.
  • Reduce interview anxiety.
  • Improve communication.

You will pass it easily if you realize what to expect during the interview. You'll be able to cover most, if not all, of the questions, show your serious approach to the conversation, and, as a result, get a job as a Python developer.

Categories of Interview Questions

Let's first look at what types of questions recruiters usually ask during interviews. A versatile programming language is used in various fields. They often test your knowledge across different areas to assess both your theoretical understanding and practical skills.

The key categories of interview questions for Python developers:

  • Basic concepts. Focus on the foundational aspects like syntax, variables, data types, etc.
  • Data structures. Evaluate your knowledge of built-in data structures like lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets.
  • Control flow and logic. Expect scenarios where you'll need to write some code to control the flow of a program.
  • Python functions and modules. Interviewers may ask about defining, calling, and using them to solve problems.
  • Error handling and debugging. Test your ability to handle exceptions using try-except blocks.
  • Object-oriented programming (OOP). Questions about classes, objects, inheritance, or encapsulation assess your ability to structure code logically.
  • Real-world problem-solving. Test how you approach and solve problems.

You can handle it well if you have sufficient knowledge of a programming language. The main thing is to discover what to expect; in other words, prepared means armed.

15 Popular Python Interview Questions for Beginners

Now, we move on to Python developer interview questions and answers. There are hundreds, indeed. The perfect situation is if you are prepared for each one. Let's come to the point and cover the most common ones for in-house and offshore Python developers.

Describe the key features of Python.

It is an interpreted tool for developers to write and test code quickly without compiling. A dynamic typing system and an extensive standard library also provide powerful tools for rapid development across different applications.

What is a Python function?

A function in Python is a self-contained block of code. We can define functions with a keyword def.

For example:


def greet(name):

return f "Hello, {name}!"

This particular function accepts a name as input and produces a personalized greeting.

What are Python libraries?

Libraries in this programming language are collections of pre-written code. They simplify development significantly and offer reusable modules, functions, and tools for various needs.  

What is the difference between a list and a tuple?

You can use both of them to store data collections. But keep in mind their key differences. Lists are mutable, meaning their elements can be modified, while tuples are immutable.

For example:

my_list = [1, 2, 3]

my_list[0] = 10  # This is allowed.


my_tuple = (1, 2, 3)

# my_tuple[0] = 10  # This will raise an error.

How does Python handle memory management?

This is one of the typical Python developer interview questions. The language delivers automatic memory management and uses reference counting to monitor how many references point to an object. When an object is no longer being used—meaning there are no active references to it—the memory allocated for that object is automatically released.

Can you copy a list using the command list2 = list1?

If you use this command, you will only get a link to list1. Any changes you make to list1 will automatically be reflected in list2. To copy the list, use the copy() of the list() command.

What are Python's built-in data types?

This category's data types are the foundation of programming in this language. Developers can use it to work with numbers, text, collections, and more.

Key data types include:

  • `int`: For integers
  • `float`: For decimal numbers
  • `str`: For strings
  • `list`: Mutable, ordered collection
  • `tuple`: Immutable, ordered collection
  • `dict`: Key-value pairs
  • `set`: Unordered collection of unique elements

Explain object-oriented programming in Python.

OOP allows developers to structure their code using classes and Python objects.


class Dog:

def __init__(self, name):

     self.name = name

dog = Dog('Buddy')

print(dog.name)  # Output: Buddy

How do you handle exceptions?

Python has a `try-except` block to handle exceptions and prevent program crashes. 

We can use the following syntax:



result = 10 / 0

except ZeroDivisionError:

print('Cannot divide by zero!')

What is the purpose of modules?

A module in Python is a file that contains codes, such as functions and classes. You can use these codes in other programs as well.

For example:


import math

print(math.sqrt(16))  # Output: 4.0

What are Python decorators?

Decorators are functions that modify the behavior of another function. A decorator is applied using the `@` symbol:


def decorator(func):

def wrapper():

     print('Before function call')


     print('After function call')

return wrapper


def say_hello():



How can you use the `self` in Python classes?

This keyword represents the instance of a class. You can use it to access its attributes and methods. When you create an object of a class, the self allows the methods to work with the attributes and data specific to that particular object.

The keyword `self` is a reference to the current instance of the class:


class Car:

def __init__(self, brand):

     self.brand = brand

What are Python's popular libraries for data analysis?

Python provides a range of libraries for data analysis and scientific computation. 

Popular options include:

  • `Pandas`: Data manipulation
  • `NumPy`: Numerical computations
  • `Matplotlib`: Data visualization

What is a package? How can you create and use it?

A package in Python is a directory with an `__init__.py` file that contains modules. 

Create a folder and add an `__init__.py` file.

Include your modules in the folder.

Import the package:


from my_package import my_module

How does Python handle scope?

Python handles scope using the LEGB (Local, Enclosing, Global, Built-in) rule. 

Variable scope determines where a variable can be accessed:

  • **Local**: Defined inside a function.
  • **Enclosing**: Defined in enclosing functions.
  • **Global**: Defined at the top level.
  • **Built-in**: Predefined names.

Final Thoughts

The Python developer interview questions and answers we provided above are targeted to assess the foundational skills every aspiring developer needs. However, if you are interested in getting a tech job abroad, use this information and a comprehensive preparation strategy as well.

During the first screening and interview, recruiters analyze professional skills and knowledge. They also evaluate soft skills, communication, interest in the vacancy, and other criteria. We recommend that you study interview questions for Python developers and be confident in your abilities, even if you don't have much experience. Break a leg!