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Published: Thursday 10th October 2024

Scrape Websites Through a VPN Connection

Web scraping is the automatic harvesting of data from websites. It could be to track the market prices or gather leads or study some trends. And through web scraping, you get hold of an enormous amount of information that may not otherwise have been reached so easily. However, scraping raises a number of privacy issues in many cases because target websites may not favor or even block IP addresses which send multiple requests.

All these problems would be solved, though, if one used a Virtual Private Network. A Virtual Private Network masks your IP address, which will protect you from being tracked or identified and prevents websites from recognizing that multiple requests are coming from your machine. It, thereby, facilitates the protection of your anonymity by encrypting your internet traffic to keep your activities private.

Now, let's show you how to scrape a website using Python while connected through a VPN. We are going through this process, and we are going to walk you through it step by step so you don't miss anything. Throughout the process, we'll give you some practical examples on how you can get started with scraping, and why you should use a no-log VPN is a big deal in keeping private all the activities done when connected through it.

Why Are Privacy-centric VPNs Recommended for This Tutorial?

On privacy, web scraping is concerned. Because websites can detect that you are scraping, especially when you do multiple requests within a couple of seconds, masking your IP address with a VPN will help you avoid detection. Not all VPNs are the same, though-one particularly highlighted by readers as being well-suited for privacy is no logs VPN.

The no-log VPN is a type that does not record any activity of your online work. It means it would not keep your browsing history, IP address, and other data passing through the VPN server. In web scraping, it is important to make sure your VPN does not track or log your actions.

The final note of warning here is that if logs are maintained by a VPN, then there's always a possibility that the scraping activities may reveal themselves, especially in case of a legal reason for a VPN provider to hand over some data.

The differences come in with privacy-centric, no-log VPNs that ensure nothing you do gets recorded. This makes them a better pick for web scraping since it adds extra layers of anonymity to the user.

When no records are involved, the actions can't be traced to you-an important aspect not just for privacy but also for whatever reasons your scraping activities may raise flags on websites.

Use Python to Scrape Websites Through a VPN Connection

Using a no-log VPN also means that your requests would have lesser chances of blacklisting since the VPN provider will not log and reuse the same IP addresses assigned to previous activities. This, in turn, keeps your web scraping smooth and uninterrupted.

How to Use Python to Scrape Websites Through a VPN Connection

Scrape web content using Python safely with a VPN on connection by following these few simple steps. We shall do this in two parts: the setup for Python, then the config of your VPN, and finally your web scraping script. Each step is briefly explained below:

Step 1: Setting Up Python and Required Libraries

Before you begin scraping, you would need to prepare your Python environment, install the relevant libraries. There are a number of powerful tools available for web scraping in Python, and we will focus on a few easy-to-use ones.


  • First, make sure you have Python installed on your computer. You can download it from org.
  • For web scraping, we’ll use libraries like requests and BeautifulSoup. The requests library is used to make HTTP requests to websites, while BeautifulSoup helps parse the HTML and extract the data you need.
  • You may also need Selenium if you need to interact with JavaScript-heavy websites. Selenium is a popular tool that allows Python to control web browsers and interact with elements dynamically.

pip install requests

pip install beautifulsoup4

pip install selenium  # Optional, if needed for dynamic websites

You would then be able to write scripts once you install these. These libraries would allow you to have the proper tools that you need in order to reach out to websites, make requests, and obtain information you want.

This step prepares you with all the tools you would need for the task and ensures you can easily connect to websites with or without the usage of a VPN.

Step 2: Choosing and Setting Up a VPN Provider

Now that you've set up your Python environment, the next thing for you to do is select and install a VPN. A good VPN will keep your activities away from scrutiny and further prevent your IP address from being flagged or blocked from the website you wish to scrape.


  • Step 1: Choose a VPN provider. In this phase, you need to opt for a privacy-oriented VPN, preferable no logs in strict terms like NordVPN, ExpressVPN, or ProtonVPN. Strong encryption and privacy guarantees are quite important in keeping your scraping activity anonymous.
  • Ensure that the VPN has several servers spread across different regions. In some cases, you may need to change several IP addresses to prevent tracing.
  • You will be able to choose your VPN after which you can download the VPN software and sign in to your account. Use the instructions provided by service to connect your VPN. Typically, you can connect to servers either through the app offered by VPN company or through command-line tools for more complex configurations.

VPN Setup: To connect your VPN via the command line, you might use OpenVPN, which many VPN providers support. For instance, here’s how to connect using OpenVPN:

  1. Install OpenVPN:

sudo apt-get install openvpn  # For Linux systems

  1. Get the VPN configuration file from your provider, usually a .ovpn file.
  2. Use the following command to connect:

sudo openvpn --config your_vpn_config_file.ovpn

  1. You may be prompted to enter your username and password.

If you prefer a graphical interface, simply use the VPN app provided by your VPN provider, where you can connect to any server with just a click.

Once connected, your internet traffic, including the requests sent by Python, will be routed through the VPN. This helps disguise your IP address and makes it appear as if the requests are coming from the VPN server’s location rather than your personal device.

Step 3: Configuring Python to Use the VPN

Now that you are connected to your VPN, you simply have to configure your Python requests to actually use the VPN tunnel. That way, you can be sure that all of your web scraping activities will be using the masked IP address provided by the VPN.

For a VPN, all your traffic coming out of your computer is automatically routed through the VPN server when you are connected. But you should check that this works for you; that is, verify that your Python script is actually using the VPN.

You can easily check yourself if Python is actually using the VPN by just looking at your public IP address before and after connecting to the VPN.

Code Snippet: Here’s a simple script to check your IP address:

import requests

# Function to get the public IP address

def get_public_ip():


response = requests.get('https://api64.ipify.org?format=json')

if response.status_code == 200:

ip = response.json()['ip']

return ip


print("Failed to get IP address")

except requests.RequestException as e:

print(f"Error occurred: {e}")

# Checking IP before connecting to VPN

print("Public IP before VPN connection:", get_public_ip())

# After connecting to your VPN manually, run this check again

print("Public IP after VPN connection:", get_public_ip())

  1. Run the script once without connecting to the VPN. It should show your original IP address.
  2. Now, connect to the VPN and run the script again. This time, it should display the VPN server’s IP address.

This way, you can confirm that your VPN is working and masking your IP address effectively.

Step 4: Writing the Web Scraping Script

You have your VPN active and confirmed, and now it's time to write your web scraping script. This Python library-based script will access a target website and collect data of interest for you while keeping your anonymity through the VPN.

For our purposes, we will be using the requests library to send HTTP requests and the BeautifulSoup library for parsing the HTML content of a webpage. These libraries allow you to fetch data off of a website and pull off information such as product descriptions, prices, or headlines.

And once a VPN connection is activated, then all your requests will seem to come from the IP address of the VPN, which would keep you from being blocked or banned while having the anonymity.

Code Snippet: Here is a simple Python script to scrape a webpage using requests and BeautifulSoup:

import requests

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# URL of the target website

url = "https://example.com"

# Sending a GET request to the website


response = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"})

if response.status_code == 200:

# Parsing the HTML content of the page

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')

# Extracting and printing some specific data, e.g., all links on the page

links = soup.find_all('a')

for link in links:



print(f"Failed to retrieve content, Status Code: {response.status_code}")

except requests.RequestException as e:

print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

Step 5: Handling VPN Connection Issues

Handling such VPN connection issues properly is very important while scraping with a VPN. Although the VPN connection does drop pass through the IP Address may reveal your actual IP address and make your activity blocked or traced.

So, by writing a script that can monitor the status of your VPN connectivity and reconnect when necessary, this problem may be mitigated.

For example, how to track the state of the VPN connection and automatically reconnect.

import subprocess

import time

import requests

# Function to check the current public IP address

def get_public_ip():


response = requests.get('https://api64.ipify.org?format=json')

if response.status_code == 200:

return response.json()['ip']

except requests.RequestException:

return None

# Function to verify if the VPN is active

def is_vpn_active():

current_ip = get_public_ip()

# Compare the current IP with the expected VPN IP

if current_ip and "vpn_server_ip" in current_ip:  # Replace 'vpn_server_ip' with your VPN server IP or identifier

return True

return False

# Function to reconnect VPN using OpenVPN (replace 'your_vpn_config_file.ovpn' with your config file path)

def reconnect_vpn():

print("Attempting to reconnect VPN...")

subprocess.call(["sudo", "openvpn", "--config", "your_vpn_config_file.ovpn"])

# Main scraping function

def scrape_website():

url = "https://example.com"

headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}

while not is_vpn_active():

print("VPN is not active. Reconnecting...")


time.sleep(10)  # Wait for a few seconds before checking again


response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

if response.status_code == 200:

print("Successfully scraped the website!")

# Add data extraction logic here


print(f"Failed to retrieve content, Status Code: {response.status_code}")

except requests.RequestException as e:

print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

# Call the scraping function


Step 6: Using VPN to Rotate IP Addresses While Scraping

Rotating IP addresses is an excellent method through which one can avoid detection and blocking while web scraping. In fact, most of the websites these days have anti-scraping mechanisms which are able to detect multiple requests coming from the same IP address.

import subprocess

import time

import requests

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# List of VPN configuration files for different servers

vpn_configs = [





# Function to reconnect VPN with a different server

def rotate_vpn(server_config):

print(f"Connecting to VPN server: {server_config}")

subprocess.call(["sudo", "openvpn", "--config", server_config])

# Function to get the public IP address

def get_public_ip():


response = requests.get('https://api64.ipify.org?format=json')

if response.status_code == 200:

return response.json()['ip']

except requests.RequestException:

return None

# Function to scrape the website

def scrape_website():

url = "https://example.com"

headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}


response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

if response.status_code == 200:

# Parse the HTML content with BeautifulSoup

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')

# Example: extract and print all page titles

title = soup.title.string

print(f"Page title: {title}")


print(f"Failed to retrieve content, Status Code: {response.status_code}")

except requests.RequestException as e:

print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

# Main loop to rotate VPN and scrape website

for vpn_config in vpn_configs:

# Rotate VPN server


# Wait for the VPN to connect

time.sleep(15)  # Adjust the wait time based on how long your VPN takes to connect

# Check the current IP to ensure it's changed

current_ip = get_public_ip()

if current_ip:

print(f"Connected with IP: {current_ip}")


print("Failed to get current IP. Please check VPN connection.")

# Scrape the website with the new IP


# Pause before switching to the next server to avoid rapid reconnections

time.sleep(30)  # Adjust the wait time based on your needs

This approach not only makes your scraping more efficient but also minimizes the chances of being blacklisted by target websites, ensuring your scraping tasks run smoothly and effectively.


This method is very effective at pulling in information quickly, but never forget to bring privacy into the mix—even more so since most sites are now making concerted efforts to prevent data scraping by automated means. Installing Python with a VPN adds yet another layer of anonymity and security to your scrape activities.

We have worked through this guide from blank slate: setting up your Python environment to configuring a VPN, then to building the scraping script, managing connection issues, and even rotating IP addresses to avoid getting detected. We also explained the requirement of privacy-centric, no-log VPNs since it protects identity in the sense of keeping no record of what one has been doing.