This article is part of in the series
Published: Thursday 10th March 2022

python for experts

When it comes to needing a developer to enhance, redevelop or set about making a website from scratch, you won’t find a particular shortage out there. What you will find though is a huge temptation to go with the cheap option, ignoring those with vast levels of experience in order to get a “good deal”. This is especially the case when it comes to Python development.

There’s a specific art to developing with Python. Outside of the programming language, there is tons of help. Develop in more traditional ways and you’ll discover dozens of enthusiasts, amateurs and even possible DIY methods, with this really useful blog just one way to get started. However, Python is different. If you want a good job doing, you need to find the best deal. And that requires tracking down an expert…but how to do that?

Well, it isn’t easy. Hiring a Python developer can be a tricky task, but it is possible, especially if you do consider all the correct factors. To give you a helping hand, we decided to put together a list of those factors that you should be considered when it comes to the hiring process…

Consider the project size

Firstly, you do need to consider the project size. If it’s only a smaller project, you may be able to start with a minimum viable product to get the project moving. On the other hand, larger scale products will require you to scope up the project and hire a team of Python developers.

Once you’ve discovered exactly how many people you will need, you can begin the hiring process…

Ensure you hire indirectly

Hiring Python developers is unlike any other role you may recruit for within your business. It just isn’t the same. You can’t background check like others for skills in the area, and ultimately if you’re hiring directly then you are taking a developers word for it when it comes to their skillset. This could lead to you falling foul of a few embellishments on the CV and leave your project stuck in the mud.

The best way to hire a Python developer is often to go through a Python development company or agency that has already done the hiring and firing, ultimately meaning you’ll end up with an experienced set of developers doing the work for you, meeting all the requirements you’ve specified for the task.

Don’t ignore communication and reporting skills

Developers, and particularly Python developers, are often given leeway when it comes to their softer skills like reporting, communication and day-to-day tasks. Because they are technically gifted, it’s almost like that part of their skillset isn’t required. That couldn’t be further from the truth, however.

They will need to report on progress, and you should be able to communicate daily on any issues, developments and more.. By having someone who can do that, it will make the whole process so much more seamless.

Set technical tasks

Before you hire anyone, you should outline technical tasks for developers to do, just to be absolutely sure your Python development is in the right hands. Many Python development companies will help with this and it will allow you to put the right team together and a team that has all the relevant skills.

Don’t ever commit to hiring someone before you’ve seen the end result of what they can do in a technical task.