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Published: Tuesday 28th November 2023

boost your cyber security

Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn, and it is versatile. This versatility makes it one of the most used languages today to develop applications and build software that can be used in many fields. One of these fields is cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity is a crucial part of the internet today because cybercriminals constantly look for ways to infiltrate computer networks and steal sensitive data. Cybersecurity professionals can use Python to develop security tools that nullify these threats and protect organizations and their applications from hacks. As a budding cybersecurity professional, you should learn Python because it will help you understand how security tools work.

The cybersecurity problem is real, and businesses suffer from it daily. Unfortunately, there are not enough cybersecurity professionals with the necessary skills to protect these businesses adequately. Therefore, industry experts recommend automating security functions, and Python is crucial to this effort.

Python is free and open-source and has many tools, libraries, and frameworks that you can use for cybersecurity tasks. Once you learn Python, you can write scripts to automate security functions according to your organization’s needs.

How Python Affects Your Cybersecurity Career Growth

When you start your career in cybersecurity, you do not need to know Python. However, this may limit your long-term career prospects or the jobs you will be eligible for. Learning Python will allow you to transition into other computer science fields if you want to explore something outside cybersecurity.

Knowing how to program with Python as a cybersecurity professional will allow you to perform security functions like port scanning, malware analysis, penetration testing, website cloning, website testing, wireless network scanning, TCP packet injection, and packet sniffing.

Python is also useful for protecting organizations that use cloud computing platforms. Cloud computing helps businesses become more efficient and productive but comes with security risks. To minimize these risks, they must follow cloud security best practices and hire competent cybersecurity professionals to monitor their systems.

Benefits of Using Python for Cybersecurity

Some of the benefits listed below have been previously mentioned in this article, but compiling them in one place makes it easier to read and understand.

It is portable

You can use the code you write in Python on different operating systems. This saves you time and effort because you will not have to start afresh when building the same security tool for another platform.

There is extensive library support

Python has over 200 libraries you can use to develop applications, perform computational analysis, create video games, build security tools, access databases, and perform other functions.

It is interpreted language

This means you do not need to compile your Python code before executing the program. It can be directly executed line by line.


As a cybersecurity professional, you should learn Python because it will aid your career growth. However, you can do without it in your early years or while working in a junior role. Learning Python is recommended though, because it will help you understand how security tools work and allow you to build one for the company you work for.