Python Tips and Tricks
Be the best Python programmer you can be. Your guide to writing cleaner, quicker and neater Python code. Plus some handy Python tricks!
Difference between @staticmethod and @classmethod in Python
Class vs Static Methods in Python In this article I’ll try to explain what are staticmethod and classmethod, and what the difference is between them. staticmethod and classmethod both use decorators for defining a method as a staticmethod or classmethod. Please take a look at the article Python Decorators Overview for a basic understanding of […]
Read MoreHow Metaclasses Work Technically in Python 2 and 3
A metaclass is a class/object which defines a type/class of other classes. In Python a metaclass can be a class, function or any object that supports calling an interface. This is because to create a class object; its metaclass is called with the class name, base classes and attributes (methods). When no metaclass is defined […]
Read MoreAdd, Remove, and Search Packages in Python with pip
Using pip to Manage Python Packages Like many useful programming ecosystems, Python provides a powerful and easy-to-use package management system called pip. It is written to replace an older tool called easy_install. From a high-level point of view, pip has the following advantages over easy_install: All packages are downloaded before installation to prevent partial (thus […]
Read MoreOne line if statement in Python (ternary conditional operator)
In the real world, there are specific classifications and conditions on every action that occurs around us. A twelve-year-old person is a kid, whereas a thirteen-year-old person is a teenager. If the weather is pleasant, you can make plans for an outing. But if it isn’t, you will have to cancel your plans. These conditions […]
Read MoreMeasure Time in Python – time.time() vs time.clock()
A prerequisite before we dive into the difference of measuring time in Python is to understand various types of time in the computing world. The first type of time is called CPU or execution time, which measures how much time a CPU spent on executing a program. The second type of time is called wall-clock […]
Read MoreSelect a random item from a list/tuple/data stucture in Python
One of the most common tasks that requires random action is selecting one item from a group, be it a character from a string, unicode, or buffer, a byte from a bytearray, or an item from a list, tuple, set, or xrange. It’s also common to want a sample of more than one item. Don’t […]
Read MoreHow to Check if a File Exists in a Directory with Python
With Python there are several methods which can be used to check if a file exists, in a certain directory. When checking if a file exists, often it is performed right before accessing (reading and/or writing) a file. Below we will go through each method of checking if a file exists (and whether it is […]
Read MoreIntroduction to Python Classes (Part 1 of 2)
Classes are a way of grouping related bits of information together into a single unit (also known as an object), along with functions that can be called to manipulate that object (also known as methods). For example, if you want to track information about a person, you might want to record their name, address and […]
Read MoreThe Odds & Ends of Python Regular Expressions
In the first two parts of this series, we looked at some fairly advanced usage of regular expressions. In this part, we take a step back and look at some of the other functions Python offers in the re module, then we talk about some common mistakes people regularly (ha!) make. Useful Python Regular Expression […]
Read MoreFun With Python Function Parameters
Virtually every programming language has functions and procedures, a way of separating out a block of code that can be called many times from different places in your program, and a way to pass parameters into them. Python is no different, so we’ll quickly run over the standard stuff that most languages have, then take […]
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