Quick Tip: Where to Report Your Python Bugs

Python’s Bug Tracker is the official page to report any and all Python bugs you may encounter. While it is a good place to go if you think you’ve found a legitimate bug, it’s also a great place to meet other Python developers who may be able to help you (or validate your findings). Using the […]

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Debug Your Python Code: PyChecker

PyChecker is a valuable tool to use to check and debug your Python code. This tool is especially useful to have if you’re just beginning to learn the language — trying, failing, and learning from your mistakes is often the best way to learn to code! Luckily for beginner coders, PyChecker is very easy to […]

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Interactive Resources: Learn and Practice Python for Free

Python is a great coding language to have under your belt. Not only is it a well sought after and lucrative skill, but it’s also one that will help you stand out when searching for jobs. If you’re looking to start learning, check out any of these web apps and tools that will help you […]

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Image Processing with Pillow for Python

If you’ve ever tried to process images on Python and found it to be a total pain, Pillow is here for you. You might know that PIL (Python Imaging Library) has a lot of problems and limitations, and it doesn’t really seem to be in development (it’s hardly ever updated or changed). Here’s where Pillow […]

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Beautiful Soup: A Web Scraper for Python

If you ever need to extract data from a Python site or file quickly and easily, Beautiful Soup, a library designed to help with things like web scraping, is here for you. Beautiful Soup is built on top of popular Python parsers lxml and html5lib, and it’s great for web scraping because it automatically converts […]

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Python Snippets: How to Generate Random String

Python can be a really useful tool to do things like creating random strings. There could be dozens of different reasons why you might want to create a random string of characters and numbers, but one of the more common ones is to use this string as a password. Python Code Snippets offers this really […]

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Learn Python with the Acire Python Snippets Project

Studying and playing with code snippets is always a great way to learn and get comfortable using a new language. Compared to other popular languages like PHP and Java, it seems like there are far fewer Python snippet resources available. If you’ve been trying to find some helpful Python snippets to aid you in learning […]

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How to Validate an Email Address Using Python

This snippet shows you how to easily validate any email using Python’s awesome isValidEmail() function. Validating an email means that you’re testing whether or not it’s a properly formatted email. While this code doesn’t actually test if an email is real or fake, it does make sure that the email entered by the user is in […]

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How to Clean Up Your Code with this Python Formatter

No one likes to see messy or disorganized code. If you’ve come across code like this (or maybe even if you write code like this…no judgement here), you could attempt to reformat the code yourself, which, depending on how big the files are, could take hours or even days, OR you can use a Python […]

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How to Display the Date and Time using Python

If you ever have the need to print out and display the date and time in any of your Python projects, it turns out the code for executing those actions is very simple. To get started, you’ll need to import the time module. From there, there are only a few short lines of code standing in the […]

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