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Published: Wednesday 16th October 2024

anti plagiarism for python

Today, Python is widely used for software like a plagiarism tool or AI detectors, as well as for game development, cybersecurity, etc. In this article, we will shed some light on the role of Python in building plagiarism detectors and how it influences the entire academic integrity. Moreover, we will share some tips on how a beginner can produce an anti-plagiarism tool and what skills are essential to build a professional helper. Proceed reading and get answers to all your questions.

Academic Integrity: What? Why? How?

Today, academic integrity is one of the issues widely discussed at educational institutions. With access to the Internet as well as the development of AI writing tools, many students do not pay enough attention to the plagiarism question. As a result, they hand in plagiarized papers and often get punished for such an issue. Academic integrity refers to honesty in educational environments. It is highly oriented toward values like fairness, responsibility, trust, and respect in all academic work, including assignments, exams, and research. College students, educators, and researchers are expected to produce original works only; they have to properly cite sources, avoid cheating or plagiarism, and follow guidelines to maintain honesty in their academic writing.

Python for Anti-Plagiarism Tools

Python is widely used for anti-plagiarism tools because of its versatility, ease of use, and the wide range of libraries that make text analysis and processing straightforward. All these features make Python ideal for developing effective anti-plagiarism tools. Let’s take a look at some Python features that perfectly fit plagiarism detection software requirements.

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP). With the help of strong NLP libraries like NLTK and spaCy, Python-based software can effectively process and analyze texts. These tools are helpful for identifying patterns, comparing texts, files, and documents, and detecting similarities in large amounts of content.
  • Machine learning libraries. Python supports machine learning with libraries such as sci-kit-learn and TensorFlow. These tools offer sophisticated algorithms to detect complex forms of plagiarism; they can recognize paraphrasing, rewording, or changes in sentence structure and analyze these changes.
  • String matching. With the help of such libraries like difflib and FuzzyWuzzy, Python-based tools can detect direct text matches and too close similarities in phrasing.
  • Efficiency. Python can handle large scopes of data. With this feature, Python is able to easily compare multiple documents at scale. This is even more essential for the academic sphere, where we often have to compare large volumes of context across various sources.
  • Community support. Python is pretty easy even for beginning developers because it has a large developer community that offers many resources and support.
  • Flexibility. Python can easily integrate with databases, APIs, and web technologies. With this feature, the Python-based tool can work in real-time or across different platforms and provide accrual results anytime.

Step-by-Step Guide to Build a Plag-Check Tool

Let’s take a look at how a newbie programmer can quickly build a plagiarism-detecting tool. Follow the instructions below and see how easy it can be to work with Python to build an anti-plagiarism tool.

Step 1. Install Python and a code editor like VSCode.

Step 2. Use pip to install libraries like difflib (for comparing text) and nltk (for natural language processing).

Step 3. Run pip install difflib nltk in your terminal.

Step 4. Import the necessary libraries.

import command

Step 5. Use nltk to tokenize the text and remove stop words (common words like "the", "and").

nltk command

Step 6. Use difflib to compare two documents and calculate similarity.

difflib command

Step 7. Show the plagiarism percentage by multiplying the ratio by 100.

print command

Step 8. Run the tool with sample text to check its accuracy!

Common Challenges with Python and Solutions

However, Python is known as a pretty easy language; beginners may face some challenges. Now, we will take a look at some of the frequently occurring issues and how to fix them.

Managing Dependencies in Projects

Installing and managing different libraries for multiple projects can create conflicts between versions.

Solution: Use a virtual environment to isolate project dependencies and activate it with source myenv/bin/activate (Linux/macOS) or myenv\Scripts\activate (Windows).

myenv command

Handling Large Datasets in Memory

Loading large datasets may cause memory issues, especially on limited-resource machines.

Solution: Use data streaming or libraries like Pandas with the chunksize option to process data in smaller batches.

chunk command


Finding the root cause of bugs can be difficult, especially in large codebases.

Solution: Use Python's built-in debugger, pdb, to set breakpoints and step through the following code.

pdb command

Of course, these are just a few examples. If the solutions above do not work in your case or you have encountered another problem, you should better consult a specialist in order not to hurt the entire code.

How to Master Programming Skills?

If you feel that you need to improve your Python skills, you can always consult the available platforms that often share helpful information and can shed some light on the topics your professor may not cover during classes.

  • Coursera and its “Python for Everybody.” This beginner-friendly course introduces the fundamentals of Python. It offers university-level education from top instructors. The course is absolutely free for auditing, but if you want to get a certificate, the cost will be $49.
  • Udemy with its Python bootcamp. This is a perfect course to learn Python basics, object-oriented programming, and advanced concepts like web scraping and data visualization. It offers lifetime access to downloadable resources and practical projects. The cost may vary between $15–$25 because, at times, they offer discounts.
  • DataCamp with its “Introduction to Python”. The course focuses on Python applications in data science as well as includes topics like data manipulation and statistical analysis. If you are a beginner in Python and looking for an interactive, browser-based coding environment with real-time feedback, this option is just for you. As for the prices, the first chapter of the course is free, but full access will cost you about $25 per month.

Programming is a field that is constantly changing and improving; if you want to stay relevant and produce top-quality results, you should always keep pace and learn all the novelties.