How to do Cutting and Slicing Strings in Python

Basic String Slicing Syntax

Use the slicing syntax string[start:end] to extract a portion of a string. For example, text[0:5] will give the first 5 characters.

Omitting Start or End

If you omit the start index, Python will start slicing from the beginning. For example, text[:5] gives the first 5 characters. Omitting the end index like text[5:] returns everything from the 5th character onwards.

Using Negative Indexing

Python allows negative indexing to slice from the end of the string. For example, text[-5:] gives the last 5 characters of the string.

Step Parameter in Slicing

The slicing syntax can include a third parameter for steps: string[start:end:step]. For example, text[::2] will return every second character of the string.

Reversing a String with Slicing

You can easily reverse a string by using a negative step value. For example, text[::-1] returns the string in reverse order.

Slicing with Variables

Instead of hardcoded numbers, you can use variables to define the start, end, and step. For instance, text[start:end:step] lets you dynamically slice based on variable values.

Handling Out-of-Bounds Indexes

If your slicing exceeds the string's length, Python will not throw an error. For example, text[:100] will simply return the entire string if it’s shorter than 100 characters.

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