This article is part of in the series
Published: Friday 19th July 2024
Last Updated: Thursday 29th August 2024

software developer

Creating even simple modern software solutions pulls developers in different directions. The product must solve problems, be intuitive to use, and, more often than not, hook audiences into spending more on it than just a one-time fee.

Such diverse demands leave little room for secure development, yet that’s exactly what the success and reputation of software and its makers hinges on.

This article explores the common security pitfalls developers fall into and what strategies to implement to avoid costly mistakes.

Lack of a Security-First Approach to Development

Small, inexperienced, and time-strapped development teams often do not give cybersecurity due consideration. They’re prone to implementing it haphazardly during the testing phase, which may not be enough to expose the wealth of hardcoded vulnerabilities their software may contain at this point.

Their scope and severity vary. For example, the code might be vulnerable to SQL injections or cross-site scripting. Or, default security settings users aren’t likely to change might not offer adequate protection.

The solution is to integrate cybersecurity as a core component from the SDLC's start. Developers need to adopt secure coding practices and build security as a fundamental yet malleable feature that can grow organically with each new iteration.

Security Concerns Related To Python

It is true that a larger software development community supports Python and looks forward to its functionalities. Sadly, another risk revolving around software development is that it becomes difficult to find packages that are pulled from the PyPI or Python Package Index.

PyPI provides the maintainers with an alternative to sign their submissions. The result? It helps adopters to validate the author as well as the download’s authenticity. If we talk about license compliance, license obligations must be adhered to if you want to prevent legal complexities.

Following the best security practices at Python ensures that you have a vulnerability-free code, and there’s no risk of bugs, too! Hence, both your consumers and users can easily make use of it without having to compromise their security.

Neglecting Security Improvements when Deploying Patches

Cybercriminals are crafty and only need time to overcome the safeguards older software versions ship with. The longer such vulnerabilities remain unnoticed, the higher the chance for data breaches and other successful exploits. The Equifax data breach is the most well-known yet hardly unique example of the potentially far-reaching consequences of update negligence.

Putting out regular updates improves software products on multiple levels. Fixes & patches make it more stable, while updates with a larger scope can add new features or increase user-friendliness. Taking each as an opportunity to search for and address flaws ensures long-term stability and reduces threats.

Not Enforcing Cybersecurity Tools & Best Practices

Security-focused software is challenging to create if the development environment doesn’t conform to the same principles. On the organizational scale, this means implementing practices like access controls with a Zero Trust policy, comprehensive logging, stringent data storage policies, and incident response plans that cover a wide array of eventualities.

On the individual level, it means using appropriate tools and being mindful of one’s activities. For example, developers who connect to their company’s network resources remotely should always do so through a VPN to ensure connection security and the integrity of transferred data.

VPNs also incorporate useful features like a dark web alert that alerts users as soon as their compromised credentials & other sensitive information get posted to the most disreputable corner of the internet. This gives users precious time to change passwords, freeze accounts, and carry out other life-saving measures.

Not Paying Attention to Third-Party Security

Unless a project is built exclusively in-house using proprietary means, it likely depends on third-party libraries, frameworks, and APIs. Developers have no control over others’ cybersecurity posture, which can cause a host of issues if a third party ever comes under attack.

Carefully vetting service providers and outside vendors to avoid ones with sub-par security records is a sensible precaution. As is using established frameworks & other tools established and maintained by the open-source community. Moreover, developers should turn to more secure alternatives instead of legacy programs and tools that receive infrequent updates.

Neglecting Continuous Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Assuming that technical savvy makes developers immune to cyberattacks is an understandable yet costly mistake. Of course, they’re likely aware of malware, phishing scams, and other common threats. However, many don’t even know about the best sources to find quality security tools, like a VPN comparison table made by Reddit users. Also, the rapidly growing sophistication and scope of such threats should give even seasoned professionals pause.

Building a security-focused culture and keeping everyone’s skills sharp through training is never a bad return on investment. It’s also a more pressing necessity now that individuals and teams can work remotely more easily.


Developers are at the forefront of the ongoing struggle against increasingly pervasive and invasive cyberattacks. How that struggle will play out depends on developers' ability to detect and mitigate risks before they become exploits. We hope this article will bring readers a step closer to realizing that ideal.