A metaclass
is a class/object which defines a type/class of other classes. In Python a metaclass
can be a class
, function or any object that supports calling an interface. This is because to create a class
object; its metaclass
is called with the class
name, base classes and attributes (methods). When no metaclass
is defined (which is usually the case), the default metaclass
is used.
For example:
# Here __metaclass__ points to the metaclass object.
class ExampleClass(metaclass=type):
# Here __metaclass__ points to the metaclass object.
class ExampleClass(object):
__metaclass__ = type
When a class
is created, the interpreter:
- Gets the name of the
. - Gets the base classes of the
. - Gets the
of theclass
. If it is defined, it will use this first. Otherwise, it will check in the base classes for themetaclass
. It it can't find ametaclass
in thebase class
, thetype
is used instead. - Gets the variables/attributes in the
and stores them as a dictionary. - Passes this information to
asmetaclass(name_of_class, base_classes, attributes_dictionary)
and it returns aclass
For example:
# type(name, base, attrs)
# name is the name of the class
# base is a tuple of base classes (all methods/attributes are inherited
# from these) attrs is a dictionary filled with the class attributes
classObject = type('ExampleClass', (object,) ,{})
When type is called, its __call__
method is called. This method in turn calls the __new__
and __init__
methods. The __new__
method creates a new object, whereas the __init__
method initializes it. We can easily play with methods. This is a working example:
class a:
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
def getd3(self):
return self.data * 3
class MyMeta(type):
def __new__(metaname, classname, baseclasses, attrs):
print('New called with')
print('metaname', metaname)
print('classname', classname)
print('baseclasses', baseclasses)
print('attrs', attrs)
attrs['getdata'] = a.__dict__['getd3']
# attrs['getdata'] = a.getd3
return type.__new__(metaname, classname, baseclasses, attrs)
def __init__(classobject, classname, baseclasses, attrs):
print('init called with')
print('classobject', classobject)
print('classname', classname)
print('baseclasses', baseclasses)
print('attrs', attrs)
class Kls(metaclass=MyMeta):
def __init__(self,data):
self.data = data
def printd(self):
ik = Kls('arun')
When running the code, we get:
New called with
metaname <class '__main__.MyMeta'>
classname Kls
baseclasses ()
attrs {'__module__': '__main__', 'printd': <function printd at 0x7f3ebca86958>, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f3ebca868d0>}
init called with
classobject <class '__main__.Kls'>
classname Kls
baseclasses ()
attrs {'__module__': '__main__', 'getdata': <function getd3 at 0x7f3ebca86408>, 'printd': <function printd at 0x7f3ebca86958>, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f3ebca868d0>}
class a(object):
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
def getd3(self):
return self.data * 3
class MyMeta(type):
def __new__(metaname, classname, baseclasses, attrs):
print 'New called with'
print 'metaname', metaname
print 'classname', classname
print 'baseclasses', baseclasses
print 'attrs', attrs
attrs['getdata'] = a.__dict__['getd3']
# attrs['getdata'] = a.getd3
return type.__new__(metaname, classname, baseclasses, attrs)
def __init__(classobject, classname, baseclasses, attrs):
print 'init called with'
print 'classobject', classobject
print 'classname', classname
print 'baseclasses', baseclasses
print 'attrs', attrs
class Kls(object):
__metaclass__ = MyMeta
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
def printd(self):
print self.data
ik = Kls('arun')
print ik.getdata()
When running the code, we get:
New called with
metaname <class '__main__.MyMeta'>
classname Kls
baseclasses (<type 'object'>,)
attrs {'__module__': '__main__', '__metaclass__': <class '__main__.MyMeta'>, 'printd': <function printd at 0x7fbdab0176e0>, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7fbdab017668>}
init called with
classobject <class '__main__.Kls'>
classname Kls
baseclasses (<type 'object'>,)
attrs {'__module__': '__main__', 'getdata': <function getd3 at 0x7fbdab017500>, '__metaclass__': <class '__main__.MyMeta'>, 'printd': <function printd at 0x7fbdab0176e0>, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7fbdab017668>}
Normally we need to override only one method __new__
or __init__
. We can also use function
instead of a class
. Here is an example:
def meta_func(name, bases, attrs):
print('meta function called with', name, bases, attrs)
nattrs = {'mod' + key:attrs[key] for key in attrs}
return type(name, bases, nattrs)
MyMeta = meta_func
class Kls(metaclass=MyMeta):
def setd(self, data):
self.data = data
def getd(self):
return self.data
k = Kls()
Gives us the following output:
meta function called with Kls () {'setd': <function setd at 0x7f3bafe7cd10>, '__module__': '__main__', 'getd': <function getd at 0x7f3bafe7cd98>}
def meta_func(name, bases, attrs):
print 'meta function called with', name, bases, attrs
nattrs = {'mod' + key:attrs[key] for key in attrs}
return type(name, bases, nattrs)
MyMeta = meta_func
class Kls(object):
__metaclass__ = MyMeta
def setd(self, data):
self.data = data
def getd(self):
return self.data
k = Kls()
print k.modgetd()
Gives us the following output:
meta function called with Kls (<type 'object'>,) {'setd': <function setd at 0x88b21ec>, 'getd': <function getd at 0x88b22cc>, '__module__': '__main__', '__metaclass__': <function meta_func at 0xb72341b4>}
Other then modifying base classes and methods of classes to be created, metaclasses can also modify instance creation process. This is because when we create an instance (ik = Kls()
), this is like calling the class Kls
. One point to note is that whenever we call an object its type's __call__
method is called. So in this case the class
type is metaclass
hence its __call__
method will be called. We can check like this:
class MyMeta(type):
def __call__(clsname, *args):
print('MyMeta called with')
print('clsname:', clsname)
print('args:', args)
instance = object.__new__(clsname)
return instance
class Kls(metaclass=MyMeta):
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
def printd(self):
ik = Kls('arun')
class MyMeta(type):
def __call__(clsname, *args):
print 'MyMeta called with'
print 'clsname:', clsname
print 'args:' ,args
instance = object.__new__(clsname)
return instance
class Kls(object):
__metaclass__ = MyMeta
def __init__(self,data):
self.data = data
def printd(self):
print self.data
ik = Kls('arun')
The output is as follows:
MyMeta called with
clsname: <class '__main__.Kls'>
args: ('arun',)
Equipped with this information, if we go to the start of our discussion about the class
creation process, it ended with a call to the metaclass
object, which provided a class
object. It was like this:
Kls = MetaClass(name, bases, attrs)
Hence this call should call the metaclass
's type. The metaclass
type is the metaclass
's metaclass
! We can check this as follows:
class SuperMeta(type):
def __call__(metaname, clsname, baseclasses, attrs):
print('SuperMeta Called')
clsob = type.__new__(metaname, clsname, baseclasses, attrs)
type.__init__(clsob, clsname, baseclasses, attrs)
return clsob
class MyMeta(type, metaclass=SuperMeta):
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
print('MyMeta called', cls, args, kwargs)
ob = object.__new__(cls, *args)
return ob
print('create class')
class Kls(metaclass=MyMeta):
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
def printd(self):
print('class created')
ik = Kls('arun')
ik2 = Kls('avni')
class SuperMeta(type):
def __call__(metaname, clsname, baseclasses, attrs):
print 'SuperMeta Called'
clsob = type.__new__(metaname, clsname, baseclasses, attrs)
type.__init__(clsob, clsname, baseclasses, attrs)
return clsob
class MyMeta(type):
__metaclass__ = SuperMeta
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
print 'MyMeta called', cls, args, kwargs
ob = object.__new__(cls, *args)
return ob
print 'create class'
class Kls(object):
__metaclass__ = MyMeta
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
def printd(self):
print self.data
print 'class created'
ik = Kls('arun')
ik2 = Kls('avni')
Gives us the following output:
create class
SuperMeta Called
class created
MyMeta called class '__main__.Kls' ('arun',) {}
MyMeta called <class '__main__.Kls' ('avni',) {}